I’ve always been creative, although I would not call myself artistic at all. Both my kids are extremely artistic, so I don’t feel bad that I am not artistic, because both of them are.
Then I found digitising, and for the first time, I could be creative without the limitation of being artistic. And it is the best of both sides of my world, the creative and the technology side.
It didn’t take much. I played with some software, taking a photo of the front of our house, changing it into a sketch and used the auto digitise function (it is the photo on the left with the yellow thread). This was the back of the design, I could not believe the mess and decided there and then that I want to learn how to do this properly. So I spent hours digitising this design manually with very basic software. The result was the photo on the right with the blue/white thread. Auto digitising, under five minutes, digitising manually, hours! This was one of my first designs in 2017.
A few months back, I got Hatch and a new world has opened. I just LOVE digitising and creating design with as little trims as possible, designs that stitch out beautifully. I am still learning and love seeing the progression in each design.